
Viagra and Alcohol

Viagra and Alcohol

Is it safe to simultaneously consume Viagra and alcohol?

Due to the nature of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra), you can safely consume Viagra (including generic Viagra) and alcohol. The key to drinking and taking this drug is moderation.. According to many sources, there seems to be no intense drug interaction between alcohol and sildenafil.

In fact, some studies have found that light/moderate alcohol consumption can actually lower your risk of ED symptoms. We all know that a few drinks can lower mental inhibitions and reduce anxiety. When paired responsibly with sildenafil, you can expect optimal results.


How does consuming Viagra and alcohol affect ED?

No matter the circumstances, adult men should not drink over two alcoholic beverages a day (CDC). This applies to any man whether they use ED medication or not; alcohol consumption should not be looked for as a treatment for ED. You need to get to the root of the problem. 

It is worth stating that over-consuming alcohol can actually dull your sexual response, no matter how old you are. It is very important to drink responsibly, whether you consume sildenafil or not, to ensure pleasurable sexual experiences. Why take a chance of ruining your chance to perform? Moderation is key.


Does the interaction between Viagra and alcohol vary based on the type of drink you consume?

The above advice regarding moderation will help reactions between Viagra and any type of alcohol. However, studies have shown that red wine-lovers may have an upper hand. There are no significant interactions between Viagra and red wine. Also, as an added bonus, red wine contains flavonoids. According to a Harvard study, drinks/foods high in flavonoids have been found to potentially lower your chances of experiencing ED! 

One piece of advice is to avoid including citrus, especially grapefruit, within your alcoholic beverages. Grapefruit juice has been known to reduce the effectiveness of many medicines and can intensify potential side effects (FDA). Some doctors recommend taking Viagra on an empty stomach; consult yours about taking the pill after eating to ensure that the medication’s effectiveness will not be hindered when consuming Viagra and alcohol.


As long as your doctor agrees, you can combine Viagra and alcohol.

So go ahead, share a drink with your partner and have no fear when consuming Viagra and alcohol after your doctor’s approval. As usual, an excess consumption of alcohol is not recommended in any situation. Please drink responsibly and always consult your doctor before mixing any medications; everyone’s body is different. MyDrHank is here to help.


1/2 of men have ED but ED shouldn’t make you feel like 1/2 a man. Nor should ED stand for Expensive Drugs. We’ve helped over 50k men overcome ED. 

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